Boys' Basketball Statistical Reports


I began compiling my annual statistical reports for the conference during the 1970-1971 season. For the first three years they were simple scoring stats that I obtained from newspaper box scores and were sent to the coaches at the conclusion of the season. Regrettably, I didn't save any of them for posterity sake.

It wasn't until the 1973-1974 season that I delved more indepth and requested coaches send me a completed form for each of their conference home games. The first book contained 39 pages. As the years passed, I included more and more information as well as doing additional archival research that continued to embellish each annual report.

The first 28 versions of the reports were typed and duplicated "old school" by using an antiquated mimeograph machine I acquired from Mechanic Arts High School after it closed in 1976. An IBM Selectric typewriter was used to create the mimeograph stencils. It wasn't until 2002 that I started using a word processor which afforded me the chance to duplicate reports using a high-speed copier.

Below are the scanned versions of each of my annual reports. I have tried to clean up the scans as best I could. In many cases, the original cover could not be scanned because it was printed on colored cover stock. On the lower portion of this page are the links to those years without a report but an annual list of the leading scorers in the conference. I hope you enjoy all of them as much as I did creating them!!

John Vosejpka